Practicing Hebrew reading at home really accelerates your child's Hebrew reading skills, and we need your help to make that happen!
To get students excited about reading at home, we are using the Aleph Champ program to track progress. A karate-style color scheme helps children look forward to their goals and celebrate their successes. To provide further motivation to read daily, we have a prize store where students can spend earned "Torah Tokens" to purchase prizes as an additional incentive. If your child is reading to you directly, please make sure to tally each page read (reading a page more than once is not only allowed, but encouraged if extra practice is needed). Each page read = one Torah token earned.
To set up a time for Morah Chava to call and read with your child over the phone, please email her at [email protected].
Please find all the reading sheets you need in the links below:
Aleph Champ Levels:
WHITE - Master the first 18 letters of the Aleph Bet.
RED - Master all 32 letters of the Aleph Bet.
ORANGE - Master the first 3 vowels with letter combinations.
YELLOW - Master the first 6 vowels with letter combinations.
GREEN - Master the first 9 vowels with letter combinations.
BLUE - Master all the vowels and exceptions to the rules.
PURPLE - Master reading basic prayers.
BROWN - Master reading higher level Tefillot.
GREY - Master reading from the Siddur in a timed fashion.
BLACK - Master reading over 100 words in a minute.